
Wondering about Abaji LGA Postal Codes and zip codes Complete List By LGA and District5 min read

Let find Abaji LGA Postal Codes and zip codes in the heart of Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory? Abaji zip codes and postal codes through Imagine them as magical gateways that ensure your letters, packages, and greetings reach the right doorstep. 

 Abaji postal codes and zip codes in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Abaji LGA postal codes and locations are listed here, ensuring you have the correct information for your postal needs. Find postal codes for various districts and areas.

Postal Codes:

  • Abaji Postal Codes range from 905101 to 905102.
  • The Facility code for Abaji is 905001.

 Abaji Location:

  • Abaji is situated in the North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.

To get the full list of ZIP codes or Postal codes within Abaji LGA/Area Council, it is necessary to find the specific code associated with your district or location.

 Abaji District list 

 abaji         yaba 

Abaji  Postal codes

  • 905101: Nahalati Sabo
  • 905101: Ebagi
  • 905101: Bago
  • 905101: Manderegi
  • 905101: Uboshenu
  • 905101: Nah. Tosho
  • 905101: Gbogbogo
  • 905101: Kebba
  • 905101: Panagana
  • 905101: Dapala
  • 905101: Nuku
  • 905101: Agyana
  • 905101: Rimba
  • 905101: Bandagi
  • 905101: Yawule
  • 905101: Abaji


  • 905102: Yaba Abuja
  • 905102: Adagba
  • 905102: Afo
  • 905102: Akori
  • 905102: Alampa
  • 905102: Allu
  • 905102: Ayaba
  • 905102: Bari-Bezi
  • 905102: Bazi-Bezi
  • 905102: Busga
  • 905102: Chakun
  • 905102: Chundugo
  • 905102: Dabbare
  • 905102: Dara
  • 905102: Dewu
  • 905102: Domi
  • 905102: Dumb
  • 905102: Ekki
  • 905102: Fakon Tando
  • 905102: Gadabiri
  • 905102: Gari
  • 905102: Gasakba
  • 905102: Gasukpa
  • 905102: Gawu
  • 905102: Gawun
  • 905102: Gidan Maisaye
  • 905102: Gurdi
  • 905102: Guruza
  • 905102: Gwanda
  • 905102: Gwona
  • 905102: Jamigbe
  • 905102: Kafako
  • 905102: Kpace
  • 905102: Kularida
  • 905102: Kutara
  • 905102: Kwago
  • 905102: Kwakwa
  • 905102: Kyawu
  • 905102: Lafia Yaba
  • 905102: Managi
  • 905102: Nadichi
  • 905102: Nagun
  • 905102: Nassarawa
  • 905102: Nowog
  • 905102: Nyembo
  • 905102: Pako Base
  • 905102: Panagu
  • 905102: Pandaji
  • 905102: Pankuru
  • 905102: Panpari
  • 905102: Piowe
  • 905102: Sabongida
  • 905102: Sarowo-Abdu
  • 905102: Selifulyu
  • 905102: Shadad
  • 905102: Soitan
  • 905102: Takpeshi
  • 905102: Talpa
  • 905102: Tanaga
  • 905102: Wapa
  • 905102: Yelwa
  • 905102: Yelwa Gawu
  • 905102: Zuwa

Postal Facility

  • Place                                  Postal Code
  • Abaji                                  905001

Abuja FCT Other Codes


Abuja Municipal (State Capital)



 Frequently asked questions

Which local government is Abaji?

  • Abaji is a local government area nestled in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, specifically within Abuja.
    In simple terms, Abaji is a part of the government system in the capital city of Nigeria, Abuja.

What is the postal code?

  • A postal code, sometimes called a postcode, PIN, or ZIP Code, is a combination of letters and numbers included in a postal address to help sort and deliver mail.
    In plain language, a postal code is like a secret code that helps mail find its way to the right place.

What is Garki postal code area 8?

  • The postal code for Area 8 in Garki is 900245, and it’s used for various locations within this area.
    Area 8 in Garki has its own special number, 900245, which postmen use to deliver mail.

What is Zango local government postal code?

  • The postal code for Zango local government is 824104, and it’s situated in Katsina State, Nigeria.
    Zango local government has its own unique code, 824104, just like every place has its own special address.

How many local governments are in ABA?

  • Abia State is made up of seventeen local government areas, including Aba North and Aba South.
    Abia State is divided into seventeen smaller regions, and Aba North and Aba South are two of them.

What are Abia’s 17 local governments?

  • Abia State consists of 17 Local Government Areas, including Aba North, Aba South, and others like Isiala Ngwa North, Isiala Ngwa South, and more.
    Abia State is like a puzzle made up of 17 smaller pieces, with each piece having its own name.

How do I check my postcode?

  • You can check your postcode online using the Royal Mail’s address and postcode checker, which helps you find the full postal address or postcode for a property.
    If you ever need to know the postcode for your place, you can use an online tool to find it.

Is 00000 a postal code?

  • In Dubai, there are no Zip Codes, but you can use 00000 as a placeholder when you’re asked for one.
    Dubai doesn’t use Zip Codes, so you can put 00000 if needed.

Is a postal code 5 digits?

  • Yes, a ZIP Code is a 5-digit number that specifies a specific destination post office or mail delivery area.
    A ZIP Code is like a five-digit address that helps mail find its way.

Is Garki a city?

  • Garki is a district located in Abuja, and it’s an essential business and administrative area in the city with many tourist attractions.
    Garki is not a city itself but a significant district in the capital city of Abuja.

Which state is Kubwa?

  • Kubwa is a residential district situated in the Federal Capital Territory in Nigeria, which is not a state but a federal territory.
    Kubwa is like a neighborhood in the capital city, not a separate state.

What is the postal code for 370 Dixon Road?

  • The postal code for 370 Dixon Road in Toronto, ON is M9R 1T2.
    It’s like the secret code for that specific address in Toronto.

What is the postal code of Shar Naw?

  • The government postal code for Shar Naw is 1003.
    Shar Naw has its own special postal code, just like every neighborhood.

What is Volksrust postal code?

  • The postal code for Volksrust is 2470.
    Volksrust, just like every place, has its own unique postal code.

What is a 3 local government?

  • In some places, there’s a three-tier structure of local government, including village (Gram Panchayat), intermediate or block (Panchayat Samiti), and district (Zilla Parishad) levels.
    In some areas, the local government is organized into three levels – village, intermediate, and district.

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